“For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.” Mark 9:41


Tax Information

Tax Information: EIN ID: 86-0848618

NAYM is registered as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Contributions are tax-deductible as permitted by the Internal Revenue Code by the IRS.

Donate by Mail

To donate by check, Money order, or cash, please fill out the donation form and mail to:

P.O. Box 12291
Glendale, AZ 85318

Donate by phone

To donate by phone, please call and leave a message. We will return your call and assist you with your payment.

(602) 564-1891

Donate by Credit card or Paypal

To donate by credit card or Paypal, use the link above.
You may leave a note through Paypal to let us know how to direct your donation. This can be found as you confirm your payment.