Judy Kanouse
Judy serves as the Director of Urban ministries and Secretary for the NAYM Board of Directors. Judy also assists our NAYM treasurer. She has been a career missionary for over 25 years. Judy says: “I love Jesus and love sharing Him with others.”
The “job” Judy enjoys the most is being grandma to Zack. He is 1/2 Hopi Indian, and is in College now.
Judy is active in her home church. Judy is a hall monitor one service and a Sunday School teacher the next. She loves serving in VBS. Judy tries to stay in contact with and encourage former dorm students, maternity home residents, and Bible study friends.
Prayer requests from Judy and Zack— Please pray for: wisdom in raising Zack, especially as we go through college; good health for both of us; that we will be open to all God would have us to do; to be receptive to the people He brings into our sphere of influence; and for our ministry financial support.
Jer. 29:11, “ ‘I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future…’ “